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ASWCD Meeting Minutes 1/30/23, Apr 27, 2023



January 30, 2023 5:30pm

Alachua Chamber of Commerce

14801 Main Street, Alachua

Present: Archie Matthews(AM), John Chamberlain(JC), Patricia Lee(PL), Walt Boyer(WB), Patrick Sell(PS), Jancie Vinson(JV), Mark Von Soestbergen(MS), Lisa Charney(LC), Barton Wilder(BW)

The meeting was called to order at 5:40 by acting Chairman Archie Matthews. All present introduced themselves. A quorum was present.

As this is the organizational meeting for the year, election of officers was needed to proceed.

Nominations for Chairman;

Walt Boyer

Pat Lee

Both received 2 votes. Acting Chairman Matthews tossed a coin to break the tie in favor of Walt Boyer.

Nomination for Vice-Chairman;

Pat Lee

There being no other nominations, Pat Lee was elected Vice-Chairman

Nominations for Secretary/Treasurer;

Archie Matthews

There being no further nominations, Archie Matthews was elected Secretary/Treasurer.

Chairman Boyer assumed the Chair.

There was discussion regarding revenue sources.

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as presented. Motion (JV) Second (PL)

Treasurer’s Report. – Balance in checking is $1629.13, no checks or deposits were pending. Motion to accept(JV), Second(PS), motion passed.

The Secretary/Treasurer will draft a letter to Capital City Bank to remove former Chairman Chamberlain as a signator on the account and replace him with Chairman Boyer.

Supervisor Sell volunteered to work with Secretary/Treasurer Matthews to learn the reports that must be filed.

AFCD update. Supervisor Matthews reported on the upcoming AFCD Annual meeting and Supervisor training on February 6-8 at Hotel Indigo at Celebration Point. All registration fees have been paid by NRCS. All Supervisors are encouraged to attend. As Supervisor Matthews wife has cataract surgery on the morning of the 6th, and the Annual Meeting is that afternoon, Chairman Boyer is Nominated as alternate delegate if Supervisor Matthews cannot attend. Motion(PL), Second (JV). Motion passed.

DC Report: DC Jones was not present.

FDACS/OAWP report: Barton reported that a new Commissioner(Wilton Simpson) has been elected. There is a new OAWP director and assistant director. There are staff positions open, with interviews ongoing. Barton briefly talked about what OAWP does and the connection with Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

Mail Review: A request for dues to the National Association of Conservation Districts was received. The District cannot afford dues at this time. Motion to send $10.00 to keep us on the mailing list(PS) Second(JV), motion passed.

General discussion:

-Projects: Chairman Boyer commented that Gainesville creeks with high fecal bacteria counts. GRU and homeless camps are considered the primary sources. Supervisor Sell volunteered to speak to the GRU General Manager about their contribution to the problem.

-Suggested to move the meeting locations around.

-Community engagement and education. Advocate for citizens. Advocate with local governments for funding for protection of natural resources.

-Grants. We have people on the Board with grant experience

-Lisa Charney commented on the new energy on the Board, suggested that Supervisor Matthews be used as a resource because of his long service on the Board.

-John Chamberlain commented on the great new additions to the Board.

-Supervisor Lee commented on moving meeting locations, having a strategic plan, having a comment period at the end of each meeting.

-Contact legislators

-Invite City of Alachua Commissioners to attend

Next meeting will be February 27th, 2023 at the Alachua Chamber of Commerce Building

Motion to adjourn(JV) Second(PS) Meeting adjourned 6:55